Exclusive services

Exclusive services

For your convenience, we have specifically highlighted in a separate block our exclusive services that we can provide you in the shortest possible time.

We will help you with the inheritance, where the inheritance includes digital financial assets in the understanding of the Federal Law of 31.07.2020 № 259-FZ "On Digital Financial Assets, Digital Currency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation". In addition, we can confidently state that we know more than what is written in the law, because to date, we have developed an extensive practice for resolving such issues. We also have a register of exchange organizations registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, from where we can request up-to-date information about the existence of open accounts in relation to the deceased.

Thus, we will tell you about the whole algorithm of the introduction to the inheritance and help you to implement it in practice.

In addition to the above-mentioned exclusive service, we can act as your escrow agent for the fastest resolution of your financial matters in cases where it is necessary to secure the conclusion of the transaction for the sale and purchase of real estate, transfer of funds between organizations within joint projects, etc.

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